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Nokia Lumia 1320: Top 5 features

Nokia unveiled two Windows based phablets yesterday. While the Nokia 1520 has placed itself as a premium phone, the Nokia 1320 is being marketed as a phablet for the masses. Despite the cheaper price tag, the device has its share of positives. We pick the five best features of Nokia’s budget phablet:

1. Price tag: Although not strictly a feature but the price tag definitely makes the device an attractive buy. With the announced price of $339 (RS. 21,000), expect a lot of phablet lovers queuing to pick one for themselves.

2. Changeable covers: The Lumia 1320 comes with changeable covers so that the color of your device never feels monotonous to you. Take your pick from orange, black, white and yellow.

3. MicroSD slot: The device supports memory expansion via a MicroSD slot. It’s a feature that is absent from many top devices and it is fantastic that Nokia chose to give users the option of adding memory when they want.

4. Snappy performance: Windows platform is known for its judicious use of resources ensuring a smooth performance even if powered by a dual core processor. You can expect the phone to be pretty snappy when compared to its Android counterparts.

5. Nokia’s Apps: Nokia has added some pretty fascinating apps on the two new phablets. The StoryTeller app and the Cinemagraph sound very exciting.

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